Biogeography, Evolution, and Conservation
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Biogeography, Evolution, and Conservation
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Peter Marko
Phylogeography of rocky shore marine species. MS thesis focused on amphi-Pacific phylogeography and speciation in the rocky shore snail Nucella lima. Nicole now works as a science teacher at Timberland High School in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
Nicole Cox
Population genetics and conservation of sharks. Dissertation focused on the eastern Pacific population genetics of Sphyrna lewini, the scalloped hammerhead shark. Currently a faculty member at College of Coastal Georgia.
Holly Nance
Genetic mapping and QTL analysis as tools to understand genetic load, inbreeding depression, and genetic causes of larval mortality of marine organisms. Postdoc work in our lab included paternity analysis and population genomics of gooseneck barnacles using microsatellites and RADseq technology. Louis is now a faculty member at Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland.
Louis Plough
Evolution of mating systems in marine organisms. In the Marko lab, Tammy was a postdoc that worked on the phylogeography of north Pacific marine organisms. Tammy is currently a faculty member at Limestone College.
Tammy McGovern
Human genetics and genomics. Worked as Howard Hughes funded undergrad in our lab on the population genetics of commercially harvested bay scallops in North Carolina. After completing a PhD at Duke, she took a job with Illumina.
Felicia Hawthorne
Population structure and conservation genetics of terrestrial vertebrates. Kelly had two stints as a lab technician and manager in our lab and is now working on his PhD at UCLA.
Kelly Barr
Former lab technician, driver, and navigator.
Dan Rodriguez
Former lab technician.
Cory Holbert
Undergraduate researcher, now a Resaerch Associate at the University of Potsdam.
Alice Dennis
Current lab members:
MS student using eDNA to study agaricid coral diversity in the Hawaiian Islands.
Cécile Vimond
PhD graduate working on the molecular phylogeography of antitropical marine species as a model for testing ideas about the tropics as a source of evolutionary novelty and diversity. Currently a faculty member at the Industrial University of Santander.
Sergio Marchant
Postdoc working on the evolution of egg size in Hydroides.
Yale Passamaneck
MS graduate studying patterns of marine endemism. Lives in Washington State and works as a freelance scientific writer.
Jake Buehler
PhD student focused on the development and use of eDNA methods to detect species and characterize community structure in time and space.
Patrick Nichols
MS graduate who studied the mating system of the giant pulmonate limpet Siphonaria gigas. Started a PhD in the fall of 2019 at UC Davis.
Jessica Schaefer
MS student that studied the population genomics of corals. Martha completed a Knauss Fellowship in DC and then started a job as a congressional aide.
Martha Newell
Recent BS graduate working on the phylogeography of Echinometra sea urchins. Recently moved to UC Merced to start a PhD.
Bailey Carlson
PhD student evaluating eDNA for multi-species mtDNA population genetics.
Taylor Ely
PI with research projects focused on the biogeography, evolution, and conservation of marine organisms.
Undergraduate student studying the biogeography of the hyperdiverse genus Siphonaria in Hawaii.
Molly Jewell
Undergraduate student studying seafood substitutions in the USA.
Nathaniel Patten
PhD graduate with research focused on the diversity, biogeography, and ecology of agaricid corals.
Claire Lewis
College of Natural Sciences, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822